

Sharing is Caring

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bonda Tercinta.

Bonda tercinta..jasamu tak dapat kami balas..


Pada semua adik beradik Pok Pa iaitu Ayah Long, Mama Teh, Mok Mi, Pok Bir, Mok Ani, Mok Ja & Mok Dah...sentiasalah kita mendoakan kesejahteraan ibunda tercinta ini. Walaupuan ayahanda sudah lama pergi dan kita tidak sempat berbakti padanya, kita masih boleh terus mencurahkan kasih sayang pada bonda kita yang alhamdulillah setakat ini masih di anugerahi kesihatan untuk masih bersama-sama kita lagi. Dalam usia yang makin meningkat dan keuzuran yang semakin ketara jelas kerana meniti usia emas, masih ada lagi kesempatan untuk anak-anak mengutip pahala yang disediakan Allah Taala yang dikhaskan untuk anak-anak yang terus mengasihi dan mentaati ibu yang pernah berkorban membesarkan kita dalam serba kekurangan suatu ketika dulu.....Amin


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So Soon lirik

Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me
I still can hear your voice calling out my name
And I remember all the stories you told me
I miss the time you were around (x2)
But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you
‘Cause I know life won’t last forever

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon
I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long
I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone
Gone so soon

Night and day, I still feel you are close to me
And I remember you in every prayer that I make
Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy
But life is not the same, and it will never be the same
But I’m so thankful for every memory I shared with you
‘Cause I know this life is not forever


There were days when I had no strength to go on
I felt so weak and I just couldn’t help asking: “Why?”
But I got through all the pain when I truly accepted
That to God we all belong, and to Him we’ll return, oh
Tiny Kaoani